sâmbătă, 29 octombrie 2011

A Day to Remember

  Hello Everyone

Today i was with my friends Mya, Catalin and Diana  to the Herastrau park in Bucharest :) 
 It was a fun day , we ate a lot of funk food , but it was good xD
We went to the Japanese garden , and found a  black cat sleeping on the grass , he was really cute. After that went to look for something to do when , a group of "Biebers"  came in our way , i  couldn't help myself and yelled at them " Bieber" and  the funny thing was that all of them turned to look at me , we all started laughing , and they continued walking  to where ever they were going .
^ yup that's Mya playing on the phone

Un comentariu:

  1. Biebers? /:)

    So I can see you're havin' phun, eeh? Just wait, I'm gonna join ya in like 2 moths or so. >:)

    Cât despre that group of Biebers, eu aş fi început să le cânt manele în cap. Păcat că nu ştiu manele :)).
